For all that, thank you very much!
Vice President Emeritus of the Italian Constitutional Court Prof. Enzo Cheli and current President Prof. Paolo Grossi, deserve the first thanks, since their has always listened very carefully at the “dreams” of a young colleague (me) in the research of constitutional justice. Also the Presidents Emeritus of the Italian Constitutional Court, Dr. Francesco Amirante, Prof. Franco Gallo, Prof. Ugo de Siervo, Prof. Giuseppe Tesauro, Prof. Gaetano Silvestri, Dr. Alessandro Criscuolo, Prof. Cesare Mirabelli, Dr. Cesare Ruperto, Prof. Gustavo Zagrebelsky, Prof. Valerio Onida, Prof. Piero Alberto Capotosti, Prof. Giovanni Conso; finally the Constitutional Judges of the Italian Constitutional Court, Avv. Giuseppe Frigo, Prof. Sabino Cassese and Prof. Maria Rita Saulle.
Thanks again!