The Constitutional Tribunal of Poland: Lancaster University.
The Act of 13 December 2016 – the Introductory Provisions to the Act on the Organisation of the Constitutional Tribunal and the Mode of Proceedings Before the Constitutional Tribunal and to the Act on the Status of the Judges of the Tribunal The Act of 30...
Le Tribunal Suprême de Monaco (Maître D. Linotte, Professeur agrégé de droit public, Président du Tribunal Suprême de Monaco): Le GRAPH.
Le Tribunal Suprême de Monaco occupe historiquement une place importante car créé par la Constitution du 5 janvier 1911. Grâce à cette Constitution, octroyée par le Prince Souverain Albert Ier et préparée par des juristes et internationalistes français célèbres (Louis Renault, André Weiss, Jules Roche), la...
Norges Domstoler: National Constitution Center.
Domstolenes uavhengighet bygger på at Norge er et konstitusjonelt demokrati. Grunnloven setter flere grenser for hva Stortinget eller regjeringen kan bestemme, selv om deres bestemmelser bygger på flertallsviljen. Kontroll med de andre statsmaktene Hvis domstolene mener at en lov er i strid med Grunnloven, kan loven settes...
Ustavni Sud Crne Gore (Intervju presjednice Ustavnog suda Crne Gore, Desanke Lopičić, za RTCG): Ustavni Sud.
Nadležnost Ustavnog suda je u cjelini ustavna materija, što znači da je propisana samim Ustavom, a ne aktima niže pravne snage. U okviru svoje nadležnosti, Ustavni sud rješava sve oblike “narušavanja” Ustava, a među njima se nalaze i ustavnopravni sporovi koji nijesu tipični “ustavni sporovi”....
La Cour Constitutionnelle Grand-Duche de Luxembourg (Félix Braz, minister of justice): ECLAN Network.
La Cour constitutionnelle Grand-Duche de Luxembourg statue sur la conformité des lois à la Constitution.Composition. La Cour constitutionnelle est composée: du Président de la Cour supérieure de justice, du Président de la Cour administrative, de deux conseillers à la Cour de cassation, de cinq magistrats nommés...
The Constitutional Court of the Prinicipality of Liechtenstein: WikiAudio.
The history of the State Court is intertwined with the formation of the Constitution of 1921. The State Court was something quite new. In neighbouring countries there was revolution in the air and in Liechtenstein, economic necessity called for change. This led in turn to agreements...
The Constitutional Court of the Republic of Lithuania: Stampi.
On 1 August 1922, the Constituent Assembly adopted the first permanent Constitution of the State of Lithuania. After intense debate at the Constituent Assembly, Article 3 of the Constitution proclaimed that “[n]o law contrary to the Constitution has any power in the State...
The Constitutional Court of Republic of Latvia (Human Rights): Institute for Cultural Diplomacy.
The idea on the necessity of an institution, which would protect the Satversme (the Constitution), was first expressed by the Member of the Saeima Pauls Šīmanis in 1930 in his Article “Eight Years of the Constitution of Latvia”. On 8 May 1934, furthering the above...